Friday, October 24, 2008

For ME?

I met a very clever DJ at the club the other night (see Mom, you can use an arts degree!) who has a postgraduate degree in literature.  We were discussing meeting for  coffee via email, and I joked that he should respond via sonnet or haiku.  This is said response:

The weekend bulges with unfinished work,
And the nightclub is only a distant
Memory. But the scholar cannot shirk
The nagging questions, ever persistent.
Who, what, where, when, above all asking why?
The path along which knowledge is gathered
Requires a disciplined and steady eye;
You'll - whooops - stumble if you're getting blathered.
Even coffee, enlightenment's choice drug,
Should be drunk, like a long-distance runner,
With the mind on the move - not in a snug
Drawn out fashion, tho' that might be funner.

Social moments make a nice distraction
But shouldn't cause knowledge's contraction.

------------- x -----------------

Words pass over coffee steam
Busy feet pass by -
Flowers bloomed, bees travel.

Water falls down lonely cliffs
Gathers in pools - 
Monday's fine - two-ish?

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