Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snow, yay! I mean, ugh!

I loved the snow Monday night when it fell beautifully while I was at Revolver.  When I came out with Stephen and Martin about 3:30, it was snowing sort of hard.  There was enough snow on top of Martin's car to make several snowballs and throw at folks.  After getting home, I took these pics from my window (I had to lighten them a bit).

It wasn't much, but it was enough to make singing "White Christmas" worth it.

However, yesterday, not as much fun.  It was literally below zero.  (Celsius, but still, that's cold.)  Anyway, you see the beautiful courtyard next to my dorm in the photos that they have only recently completed.  What you don't see is that the snow freezes and makes a layer of completely clear ice that makes said courtyard like walking on greased marble.  I went to get a coffee next door, and I fell right on my bum.  Luckily, I had lots of pants on and a big coat, so my fall was somewhat cushioned.  Then, I went to carol rehearsal and fell AGAIN last night.  It didn't hurt either, but I'm considering investing in those little shoes with the spikes just to preserve my dignity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"grip with your toes" (cool runnings)