Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another visit to Granny's

Josh and I visited his Granny again a couple of weeks ago, but this time, his brother and his parents (and Charlie the dalmatian) were there too. We took the dog on a long walk over hill and dale (quite literally). Charlie found a dead sheep and tried to eat it, which made me very upset.

On the way home we visited an ice cream farm. They grow the scoops on little bushes... Just kidding. It was a petting zoo that also sold ice cream. They had a Christmas Pudding flavor, but it wasn't that good, so I got a capuccino-flavored one. While eating my ice cream, I got to hold a sweet kitty and look at some afro-chickens (they really did have 'fros). Oh, and bebeh cows.

The next day we all went to Platt to church then my friend Lucy took Sam and the rest of us around the dorm where she's a tutor (the British word for an RA). Her hall is very old and prestigious-looking. It's no Hogwarts, but I could definitely see where it might look good in a Dead Poets' Society-like film.

Hmmm...not much else has happened except for going to shows. I saw the Ting Tings (from Manchester!), then the Kaiser Chiefs (both with Dorian). I went to see the Travelling Band Friday night with Josh. All three were good. There was a teeny tiny little girl at the Ting Tings show (about 4) who sang all the words and cracked me up, although by the last song she had passed out (it was almost 11).

At the M.E.N. Arena for Kaiser Chiefs, they had these awesome people with keg backpacks walking around, and all I could think was that a lot of my friends back in Atlanta would want one for personal use.

The lights at the Kaiser Chiefs were about the most elaborate thing I've ever seen stagewise, and I would have been pretty content to listen to a CD with the light show.

At one point, Ricky was in the audience on this big stand right next to me!

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