Monday, October 6, 2008

Lake District, finally.

Okay, so I finally got the pictures from the trip to the Lake District, some courtesy of Troy, after my camera's batteries died.  For the background, I went with the International Society to the Lake District, which is about an hour and a half north of Manchester.  I didn't really know anyone on the bus, but I met two guys from M/cr Metropolitan University (MMU), and they were nice, so we hung out during the day.  Troy Rainbow (yes, that's totally his last name!) is from Australia and Gert-Jan is from Amsterdam.  We had a great time, and the weather was beautiful, if a bit chilly while we were on the water.  

There were sheep, and I got my picture made with them because well, they are so cute.  At some point, while I am here, my goal is to squeeze a sheep.  They just look so...fluffy.  

Anyway, I could describe the scenery for you, or I could just post the pictures.  Everything you look at looks like a postcard or one of those Kodak 1000 piece picture puzzles.  This has to be where they take all those.  It is unspeakably beautiful.  These pictures are definitely worth a thousand words, if not more.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hey Wendy, just wanted to tell you that we miss you here in Atlanta! So glad to catch up with how you're doing here on your blog...the Lake District pics are gorgeous! Hope things are going well and that you're learning lots. Much love,