Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Various and Sundry News Items

Just so you actually have an update before I dash off to the library, here's what's been going on.

1) It's a little late to be writing this, but I am finally getting better.  I've had a sinus infection/cold for nearly two weeks, and it finally seems to be going away.  My nose still gets runny every time I'm in the wind for any amount of time, but that's to be expected in this locale.

2) I'm getting in gear with my classes and reading (probably over-reading to tell the truth) in the library all the time it seems like.  I can't really read in my room b/c the computer/Facebook/blogs are too tempting.  I need to sit in an educational setting.  Plus, there's noises but it's not loud/musical.  I need background noise to study, but it can't be music (outside of Beethoven's 7th which used to be my study record of choice - thank you Shorter College).  I don't want to overdo it, but mum's advice was this:  "I never thought to myself, 'Hm, I wish I had read less.  I always could have read more, but no one says they ever should have read less.'"  Ah, the wisdom of my sage mater familias.

3) I got selected for the International 16 with the International Society.  It's 16 students from all over the world, and we'll get together and represent our countries in discussions each week as well as doing workshops and going on trips together.  It culminates in the spring with a trip to an acting camp where we'll write a music/theatre show for children about different countries and having an international point of view.  Then, we'll go to schools in the Northwest and put the show on there.  If you know me, it's really right up my alley, and honestly, I'm really honored that they would pick me.  I'm pretty well traveled, but I know that my point of view, per se, is very narrow.  I'd like to be part of the group so that I can break down some stereotypes about Americans.  I think most people hear "conservative, Southern, Christian" and they expect some kind of wacko fundamentalist like oh I don't know, my dad.  :)

4) I went to a club last night (The Roadhouse), and Monday nights they do this 60's club night, Revolver.  They play all vinyl (which I appreciate), and (as Chad and I deduced) almost all of it is from the 1960's.  Regardless, it was fantastic, and I danced till my Dr. Scholl's insoles even hurt.  It was a lot like Lenny's, and I wished I had my hula hoop.  A selection of artists played:  The Coasters, Chuck Berry, The Shirelles, Diana and the Supremes, Bob Dylan, The Beach Boys, The Beatles (more than once, but what do you expect?), The Troggs, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Dave Clark Five, The Zombies, The Rolling Stones, etc. etc. etc.  So basically, it was awesome.

5) I did a "self-tour" of Manchester and took pictures of a few places of note.  Here they are:

One of the canals, next to the Hacienda (which has a history-watch 24 Hour Party People).  Now it's actually just a bunch of apartments.  There are more canals in Manchester than there are in Venice, fact.  Another fact, the Oxford/Wilmslow bus line that runs in front of the Uni and my dorm is the busiest bus route in the entire world.  Something like 250 per hour.

The public library, which is a zillion times better than any private library I've ever been to.

The people of Britain think they are eating real, hot now, delicious Krispy Kremes, but they have been lied to.  They don't taste right b/c the UK has laws against I don't know trans-fats or something.
The Bridgewater Hall.  If you've ever listened to NPR, you know what this is.

The Manchester Town Hall.  Nice.  Designed by the same architect who designed the University of Manchester.  It's actually hugely tall and has a big clocktower, but my $30 camera  couldn't get all of the picture in.

1 comment:

Cat said...

I have been enjoying your blog of your adventures in England very much so. Thanks for sharing, it keeps me entertained at work when I need entertaining. =)
<3, Catherine