Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back in Perry

I'm currently stuck in a flashback.  I had to try to explain to my mom what wifi was, then I had to figure out where in Perry had free wifi.  A bunch of my friends from high school have opened a Christian bookstore/coffeehouse in downtown Perry, so I sit here.  It was here or the Waffle House I think, and the WaHo doesn't give out free cups of coffee.

Here are a few reasons I love Perry (this is the only thing keeping me here):

1. my very loud family
2. it doesn't change much
3. fresh vegetables
4. I know people.  I have people here.
5. The picture above.  Taken near my house.  It is so beautiful here that I don't even notice the mosquitoes.  Well, almost don't notice them.

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