Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cold, War, Kids and Cold War Kids


It's been cold this week.  Not as cold as last week but still cold.  Compounded by the fact that I've felt terrible most of the week.  I woke up Thursday night more than a few times, burning up and unable to sleep.  I finally opened the window (probably not the best idea with the cold/dampness) and finally fell asleep only to awaken unable to swallow.  I wish I could take a picture of my throat, but it would be really, really gross.  White patches, pus, etc.  In other words, strep.  Greeeaaat.  Went to my GP* and she actually concurred that I might need an antibiotic to prevent, I don't know, scarlet fever and my throat rotting out.  Anyway, as I type this, I'm currently running a temperature of 39.5 Celsius.  I'm starting to get a hang of the Celsius.  My GP actually told me it's easier to remember fever levels in metric: 37 is normal, 38 is low grade, 39 is mid grade fever, and 40 is high fever.  Easy enough, right? 

Also, someone told me a brilliant rhyme to figure out the freaking weather report:

0 is freezing, 
10 is not, 
20 is pleasing, 
30 is HOT.  
100 is boiling
for tea in a pot.

WAR - 

I've got a paper due Monday that's a document analysis of a letter by Oliver Cromwell written during the 1st English Civil War in 1644.  I'm trying to finish it, but this fever/sickness is not helping very much.  It really is interesting, but I won't go into detail since the rest of the world seems to glaze over and nod a lot when I start talking about this kind of stuff.


Here are pictures of Robert and Priscilla at Halloween.  I miss them sooooo much.  Robert was an authentic punk rocker (note the hella cute Jack White shirt, leather jacket and baby Vans with skulls and Cristina carrying a miniature electric guitar).  P was so cute as Winnie the Pooh.  I could just eat her up!  Apparently, this year, there was no hiding the candy from her, as evidenced by the blue mouth.   (These photos are in html, so you'll have to click on them to see the whole thing, which is well worth it.)




Despite feeling like Death warmed over, I went to see CWK at the Ritz with Dorian (my Miami ami) on Thursday night.  They played songs from their new album, Loyalty to Loyalty, which I recommend.  It's got the same story-ballad lyrics as Robbers and Cowards, but the music's more experimental (and not in the air quotes way that sometimes connotes).  It was recorded live for Channel Bee Television, so maybe you can watch, although I'm not sure whether it'll work in the US.  Here are some pictures I took:

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