Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yorkshire Dales Part the Second, or Mud and Suede don't mix.

Okay, here's the second installment of photos with my usual witty captioning.
Here's the fells looking a bit angry like Manchester.  Just before we left thankfully.
The Parish Church at Hardraw - Really a beautiful place, next to the river that flows from the Waterfall.
This is Hardraw Scaur.  I looked up the word "scaur" and it means "a precipitous bank of rock".  It is England's tallest single drop waterfall, which is kind of cool, although It's really not that tall.
In Prince of Thieves, this is where Kevin Costner (well, KC's body double, it was apparently too cold for him to actually do it) swam/jumped in here.  It was freezing outside, and there was blackish mud an inch thick everywhere, so I'm inclined to believe that someone might not want to swim in it.  That's why I stood in front.  I realize that I am very pale-looking, but I was getting over the sickness.
Here's another picture of the Hardraw Parish Church, which was very pretty to walk around.

Here's part of the group I was with (clockwise): Me, Sinamon (Kenya), Dragos (Romania), John (Hong Konh), Annis (Indonesia), Maksim (Russia), Alba (Spain - and Tori, her cute yellow lab guide dog, somehow isn't in the picture), Artem (also Russia - twins w/Maksim), and William (France).  We are an international group, no?

Okay, so this was pretty much my favorite part of the weekend.  The pub-cat!  His name is Lucy, yes "his".  He sits in all the chairs with cushions as close to the fire as he can get.  He lets you pick him up like a baby and tote him around, so I loved it!  

That's all for now.  I'm going to Northern Ireland for Christmas, so I'll probably have a lot of pictures from that.

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